Don’t Understand the Need of Complete Ban on E Cigarettes
To become independent, most of the teens start part time jobs only when they are in High School. When I was in high school, I was first dating with one of my closest friend. I learned the communication and interaction skills and lot many other important thing that helped me the time when I entered the college. But nowadays, teens are not enough mature to think what is right or what is wrong for them. They do not have sufficient maturity and are susceptible to peers pressure; research confirms that most of the teens want to try smoking or vaping at least once. Therefore, from past few months High Authorities are planning to ban smokeless cigarette use under the age of 18.
In many states, this rule has been passed few days back and I think that it is really a good decision taken by the state government. But on the other hand, some people demand for complete ban on e cig brands as they believe that this device attract teens toward vaping and I am completely disagree with them. Personally I have never seen any electronic cigarette brands that endorse their products as good for minors. In fact there are many brands that do not allow teens even to visit in their website. Therefore, I can’t understand why some people demand for banning e cigarette brands.
We all know that there are lot many things which are not allowed for kids but do they follow it? Therefore, I don’t understand the logic behind banning the sales of e cigarette online. I don’t think that banning online electronic cigarette sales and promoting retail shops will restrict minors to buy e cigarettes instead they will get even more engaged with it.