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The Smokeless Flames of E Cigarette!


There is no heat without a flame and there is certainly no smoke without fire. In 2004 however American’s were introduced to a new age product, smokeless cigarettes. Smokeless cigarette back then was a revolutionary novel product for some and an evil strategy to lure in smokers for others. In time though the scenario has changed, no longer do people perceive e cigarette to be a gateway to tobacco cigarette.

E cig reviews are a reflection of how popular e cig are amongst people. Millions are using it, more smokers are trying it by the day and enthusiast of vapor cigarettes believe that these are the best alternate to smoking that has been brought in for public use so far. E cigarette reviews also are a glimpse at the future e cigarette industry and electronic cigarette brands have as the use and sale of e cigs towers up.

E cigarette have got a head turning look and these devices did turn a lot of eyes too as electronic cigarette clearly mimic tobacco cigarette and that again was a point which made people associate with it. In a way this is good as more smokers are trying e cigs which is theoretically a better substitute to conventional cigarette but then again for critics this is a cause of concern as critics feel that electric cigarette might get minors inclined towards tobacco cigarette as well.

However, these are just theories. There are theories about potential good too but since negative always attracts a lot more attention, the probable bad is being talked about more. Vapor cigarette reviews indicate that people claim to have been benefitted by e cigarettes and deem it to be a lot safer. No electronic cigarette brand is marketing or selling its product as a smoking cessation tool but people still think it may just be that.